Pháp Hiền

In this article, we are going to thoroughly explore the topic of Pháp Hiền and all aspects related to it. From its historical origin to its influence on current society, through its impact on different areas of study and its relevance in the contemporary world. We will also analyze different perspectives and opinions about Pháp Hiền, with the aim of providing a broad and complete vision that allows the reader to thoroughly understand this topic and form their own opinion about it. Additionally, we will examine case studies and concrete examples that illustrate the importance of Pháp Hiền in various contexts, as well as its evolution over time. Get ready to immerse yourself in an informative and enriching journey that will allow you to gain in-depth knowledge about Pháp Hiền!

Pháp Hiền (died 626) was a Vietnamese Buddhist monk notable in the early history of Buddhism in Vietnam, Vietnamese Thiền or Chinese Chán Zen Buddhism in Vietnam.

Pháp Hiền studied under Quán Duyên, a Zen master at chùa Quán Vân, or Phap-van Temple, then under the Indian monk Vinītaruci. After the latter's death, Pháp Hiền built the Chúng Thiện Temple at a mountain named Thiên Phúc or Tiên Du, northwest of Luy Lâu.


  1. ^ Mạnh Thát Lê -Lịch sử âm nhạc Việt Nam - Volume 1 2001 - Page 279 "626 lập chùa Chúng Thiện trên núi Thiên Phúc ở Tiên Du. Núi Thiên Phúc này cũng là núi Tiên Du, bởi vì truyện Cứu Chỉ nói Chỉ đến ở chùa Quang Minh núi Tiên Du, trong khi truyện Đạo Huệ nói Huệ ở chùa Quang Minh núi Thiên Phúc."
  2. ^ Keith Weller Taylor The Birth of Vietnam 1983- Page 157 "Thien Buddhism was already established in Vietnam before Vinītaruci's arrival, for Phap Hien studied under and was ordained by Quan Duyen, a Thien master at Phap-van Temple. But Phap Hien received the "essence" of Thien from Vinitaruci. After Vinītaruci's death, Phap Hien built the Temple of Chung-thien at Mount Tu, about twenty miles northwest of Luy-lau. He died in 626 after instructing more than three hundred ..."