
In today's world, User:Zvn/confirmwatchlistrollback.js is a topic of increasing importance and relevance. With the advancement of technology and globalization, User:Zvn/confirmwatchlistrollback.js has become a topic that impacts people from all walks of life and all ages. Whether in the personal, work or social sphere, User:Zvn/confirmwatchlistrollback.js has become a point of interest and discussion today. For this reason, it is crucial to fully explore the aspects related to User:Zvn/confirmwatchlistrollback.js, understand its impact and analyze possible solutions and future prospects. In this article, different aspects of User:Zvn/confirmwatchlistrollback.js will be addressed, with the aim of providing a broad and complete vision of this topic that concerns us so much.

* Will pop-up a confirmation dialog when rollback link is clicked from Watchlist.
* Hit the "cancel" button if you had clicked Rollback accidentally and the edit will not be reverted.
* To install add importScript('User:Zvn/confirmwatchlistrollback.js'); to your monobook.js.

if(mw.config.get("wgCanonicalSpecialPageName")==="Watchlist") jQuery(function($){
	$(".mw-rollback-link a").click(function(event){
		if(confirm("Are you sure you want to rollback this edit?")) return;