
Afro-Eurasia (also Afroeurasia or Eurafrasia) is ān Worulddǣl Onstandan sēo Ƿorulddǣlas of Africa, Asia, ond Europe. sēo Genemnan bist

Rūmerlīcor wordum of sēo hātanum of hit is Healf. hit is Ƿorulddǣl is sēo micel ond Mæst Folcweleg bunden Worulddǣl on Eorðe.

Afro-Eurasia Bebugan 84,980,532 feowerecge kilometres (32,811,167 sq mi), 57% of sēo Eorðe's land, ond hæfþ ān Eorðwaru of ealmæst 6.7 billion folc, ealmæst 86% of sēo Eorðwaru