
In .мон's article, we will explore and delve into all the aspects related to this topic that is so relevant today. From its history and evolution, to its impact on society and its relevance in the current environment. We will analyze different perspectives and opinions around .мон, as well as its influence on culture, economics and politics. Likewise, we will address the challenges that .мон currently faces and the possible solutions to them. Through this article, we will seek to offer a comprehensive view of .мон, with the aim of providing our readers with a deep and enriching understanding of this exciting topic.

.мон Domain Registry
TLD typeInternationalised (Cyrillic) country code top-level domain
RegistryDatacom Co, Ltd
Intended useEntities connected with  Mongolia in the Cyrillic script
Registration restrictionsDatacom
DNS namexn--l1acc
Registry websiteмон.мон

.мон is the internationalised (Cyrillic) internet country code top-level domain (ccTLD) for Mongolia. It is administered by .MN Registry, Datacom. The domain name is composed of the consonants in the three first letters of the country name. The .МОН registry is operated under the thick registry model. Administrative, billing, technical and registrant contacts are required. In 2012 a new top domain was registered for Mongolia, intended for domain names in the Mongolian language. Registrations for the domain opened in May 2014. The first site http://мон.мон became active during that month.

See also


External links