1835 in Scotland

In this article we are going to delve into the topic of 1835 in Scotland, exploring all its facets and possible implications. 1835 in Scotland is a topic of great relevance today, which has captured the attention of experts and the general public. Over the next few lines, we will analyze in detail the different perspectives that exist around 1835 in Scotland, as well as the possible consequences that its study can have in various areas. Without a doubt, 1835 in Scotland is a topic that deserves to be explored in depth, and that is precisely what we propose to do in this article.

See also:List of years in Scotland
Timeline of Scottish history
1835 in: The UKWalesElsewhere

Events from the year 1835 in Scotland.


Law officers



Birthplace of Andrew Carnegie in Dunfermline



The arts

See also


  1. ^ "A short history of Airdrie Savings Bank". Airdrie Savings Bank. Retrieved 9 July 2014.
  2. ^ Kermack, W. R. (1944). 19 Centuries of Scotland. Edinburgh: Johnston. p. 87.
  3. ^ "Slamannan Railway". Grace's Guide. Retrieved 9 July 2014.
  4. ^ "Paisley & Renfrew Railway". John Speller's Web Pages - G&SWR. Retrieved 9 July 2014.
  5. ^ Carvel, John L. (1944). One Hundred Years in Coal. Edinburgh: T. & A. Constable.
  6. ^ Murchison, R. I. (1835). "On the Silurian System of rocks". The London and Edinburgh Philosophical Magazine and Journal of Science. 7: 46–52.
  7. ^ Stevenson, Joseph (1835). Chronica de Mailros. Retrieved 28 November 2014.
  8. ^ "Andrew Carnegie: Biography on Undiscovered Scotland". www.undiscoveredscotland.co.uk. Retrieved 26 October 2020.