1867 in Sweden

In today's world, 1867 in Sweden is a topic that has become increasingly relevant and interesting. Over time, 1867 in Sweden has become a reference point for numerous debates, research and discussions in different areas. Whether on a personal, professional, academic or social level, 1867 in Sweden has sparked the interest of a wide range of people. In this article, we will explore the different aspects related to 1867 in Sweden, analyzing its impact, implications and future prospects. Additionally, we will examine how 1867 in Sweden has influenced our lives and how it may continue to affect the way we think and act in the future.


See also:
Illustration of starvation in northern Sweden, Famine of 1866–1868
Caricature from the paper Fäderneslandet 14 December 1867, criticizing the unjust distribution of the relief help committees: the relief help are given first to county governor, and are thereafter given first to the wealthy officials and rich farmers and last, when only an handful is left, to the poor people truly in need.

Events from the year 1867 in Sweden






  1. ^ Österberg, Carin et al., Svenska kvinnor: föregångare, nyskapare. Lund: Signum 1990. (ISBN 91-87896-03-6)
  2. ^ Häger, Olle; Torell, Carl; Villius, Hans (1978). Ett satans år: Norrland 1867. Stockholm: Sveriges Radio. Libris 8358120. ISBN 91-522-1529-6 (inb.)
  3. ^ Häger, Olle; Torell, Carl; Villius, Hans (1978). Ett satans år: Norrland 1867. Stockholm: Sveriges Radio. Libris 8358120. ISBN 91-522-1529-6 (inb.)
  4. ^ Svenskt biografiskt lexikon (art av Gunhild Engholm), hämtad 2015-01-06.