1912 State of the Union Address

In this article we are going to analyze and delve into the topic of 1912 State of the Union Address. Over the years, 1912 State of the Union Address has been the subject of study and interest to many people in various areas. From psychology to astronomy, through history, literature and sociology, 1912 State of the Union Address has been a recurring and relevant topic. In this article, we aim to explore different aspects of 1912 State of the Union Address, from its origins to its influence on today's society. We will analyze its impact on culture, science, art and everyday life, seeking to deeply and completely understand its importance in today's world.

The 1912 State of the Union Address was given on Tuesday, December 3, 1912. It was written by William H. Taft, the 27th president of the United States. He stated, "The position of the United States in the moral, intellectual, and material relations of the family of nations should be a matter of vital interest to every patriotic citizen." He said, "Our small Army now consists of 83,809 men, excluding the 5,000 Philippine scouts. Leaving out of consideration the Coast Artillery force, whose position is fixed in our various seacoast defenses, and the present garrisons of our various insular possessions, we have to-day within the continental United States a mobile Army of only about 35,000 men. This little force must be still further drawn upon to supply the new garrisons for the great naval base which is being established at Pearl Harbor, in the Hawaiian Islands, and to protect the locks now rapidly approaching completion at Panama."


  1. ^ "State of the Union Address: William H. Taft (December 3, 1912) | Infoplease.com". infoplease.com. Retrieved 2014-07-25.
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