Abu Al Hasan Al Balnubi

In this article we will explore Abu Al Hasan Al Balnubi in depth, a topic that has sparked great interest and debate in recent years. From its origins to its relevance today, Abu Al Hasan Al Balnubi has captured the attention of various spheres of society. Through an exhaustive analysis, we will examine the different edges that make up Abu Al Hasan Al Balnubi, as well as their implications in different contexts. In addition, we will emphasize the evolution of Abu Al Hasan Al Balnubi over time, highlighting its impact in different areas and its influence on decision making. By weighing the various points of view on Abu Al Hasan Al Balnubi, we seek to provide a comprehensive perspective that enriches the understanding of this topic that is so relevant today.

Abu Al Hasan Al Balnubi
Occupation(s)Poet, teacher

Abu al-Hasan Ali bin Abd al-Rahman bin Abi al-Bashaer al-Siqilli, also known as Ibn Abi al-Bishr al-Siqilli (Arabic: ابن أبي البشر الصقلي), was an Arab Sicilian poet of the eleventh century CE / fifth AH, who lived most of his life in Fatimid Egypt.


The dates of his birth and death are unknown. He was known as Al-Balnubi because he came from Villanova (Ballanûbah in Arabic) in western Sicily. He migrated to Fatimid Egypt after the Norman conquest of Sicily.

In Alexandria, he taught grammar and language to Abu Muhammad Abdullah bin Yahya bin Hammoud Al-Khuraimi, Ali bin Al-Hassan bin Youssef Al-Damrawi, and Omar bin Issa Al-Soussi. Among those who narrated his poetry were Abu al-Hasan al-Jayzi, and Abu al-Raja’ Bashir ibn al-Mubasher ibn Fatak al-Masri.

He wrote poetry in praise of Abu Muhammad al-Yazuri, who was vizier to the Caliph Al-Mustansir Billah from Muharram 442/June 1050 to Muharram 450/March 1058.


Although he came from the Maghreb, he often imitated the poetic styles of the Mashriq and Omar Farroukh noted his “eloquence and beauty, despite the weakness of his style at times. He did not mention Sicily in his poetry.” Rather, he had many characteristics of Egyptian poets in the Fatimid era, which indicates that most of his poetry originated in Egypt." The poetic forms he used included praise poems, satire, lamentation, descriptive pieces and ghazals.

Al-Imad Al-Isfahani mentioned Balnubi’s collection of poetry, of which he said: “I read completely free-form poetry, more than ruby and pearl, attributed to Abu Al-Hassan bin Abi Al-Bishr.” A collection of his poetry's was edited by Hilal Naji and published in 1976.


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