Abu Zayd al-Dabusi

In this article, we will delve into the topic of Abu Zayd al-Dabusi, exploring its different facets and its relevance today. _Var1 is a topic that has aroused great interest in different areas, from science to popular culture, and its impact has been significant on society. Throughout history, Abu Zayd al-Dabusi has played a fundamental role in people's lives, influencing their decisions, their beliefs, and their way of interacting with the world around them. Furthermore, Abu Zayd al-Dabusi has been the subject of debate and analysis on numerous occasions, which has contributed to enriching our understanding of this particular issue. In the next lines, we will examine in detail the various aspects of Abu Zayd al-Dabusi and their importance in the current context.

Abu Zayd al-Dabusi
Academic work
Notable worksAsrār ('Mysteries'), Takwīm lil Adilla (‘System of demonstrations’), Taalīkas.
Notable ideasdialectics
InfluencedSalah al-Dīn al-Ṣafadi

Abū Zayd al-Dabūsī; he is Abd Allāh, or Ubaid Allāh ibn Umar ibn ‘Īsa al-Dabūsi al-Bukhārī Hanafī al-Qadī (عبد الله أو عبيد الله بن عمر بن عيسى الدّبوسي البخاري الحنفي القاضي); a founding jurist and most eminent scholar of the Hanafī school in the eleventh century.[citation needed] His reputation for learning was proverbial. He established the science of dialectics supporting his analysis and argument on examples extracted from scripture. He composed several taalīkas.[n 1] Among his writings were Asrār ('Mysteries')[n 2] and the Takwīm lil Adilla (‘system of demonstrations’) [n 3]. Ad-Dabūsi died in the city of Bukhara in 430 AH / 1038–9.

The name Dabūsi derives from the town Dabūsiya, which lies between Bukhāra and Samarkand, and from where a number of scholars hailed.


Kitāb Wafayāt al-Ayān (وفيات الأعيان) by Ibn Khallikān (ابن خلكان); vol.II, p. 28

Al-Bidayah wa’l-Nihāyat (البداية والنهاية) by Ibn Kathīr (ابن كثير) vol.12, p. 46

Shuḍrāt al-ḍahab (شذرات الذهب) by Ibn al-‘Amād al-Hanbali (ابن العماد) vol.3, p. 245

Al-Fawā’id al-Baḥīa (الفوائد البهية) by Abd al-Hayy al-Lucknawi (لكنوي) p. 109

See also


  1. ^ The two kinds of Taalīkas are: i) notes taken during a lesson. ii) clarification notes on ambiguous passages, or commentary notes. Ad-Dabūsi’s were the second.
  2. ^ A treatise on the legal rulings and points of law.
  3. ^ Theology treatise.


  1. ^ Khallikān (Ibn) 1843, p. 28, II.
  • Khallikān (Ibn) (1843). Ibn Khallikan’s Biographical Dictionary (translated from Kitāb Wafayāt al-Ayān). Translated by MacGuckin de Slane, William. Paris & London: Allen & Co.