Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of Italy and Malta

Today we enter the fascinating world of Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of Italy and Malta, a topic that has sparked the interest of many over the years. Since its emergence, Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of Italy and Malta has been the subject of study, debate and controversy, making it an extremely relevant topic today. Throughout this article we will explore different aspects related to Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of Italy and Malta, from its origin to its impact on current society. Without a doubt, this is a topic that does not leave anyone indifferent, and we are sure that you will find fascinating and interesting information about Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of Italy and Malta in the following lines. Join us on this journey of discovery and learning!

The Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of Italy and Malta (Italian: Conferenza episcopale ortodossa d'Italia e Malta, CEOIM) consists of all the active Orthodox bishops serving Italy, Malta, and San Marino, and representing multiple jurisdictions. It is not, properly speaking, a synod. It is one of several such bodies around the world which operate in the so-called "diaspora."


The assembly began when delegates from the 14 autocephalous Eastern Orthodox churches met at the Center of the Ecumenical Patriarchate in Chambésy, Switzerland, on June 6–12, 2009. At that time, the conference decided to sanction the establishment of episcopal assemblies in 12 regions of the so-called Eastern Orthodox diaspora which are beyond the boundaries of the autocephalous churches. Such assemblies have the authority to propose future administrative structures for the Church in their respective regions.


The current jurisdictions in the region include the following, ordered according to diptych:

See also


  1. ^ "The Orthodox Diaspora". Retrieved 2024-01-16.
  2. ^ "Le Chiese Ortodosse e Antico-Orientali". (in Italian). Retrieved 2024-01-19.

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