Bartok (compiler)

This article will address the topic of Bartok (compiler), an issue of great relevance and relevance in today's society. Bartok (compiler) has aroused great interest and debate in different areas, from the academic field to the political and social field. This issue has great complexity and diversity of approaches, which require a deep and exhaustive analysis. Throughout this article, different perspectives will be explored, contextualizing Bartok (compiler) within its historical and cultural framework, as well as examining its influence on various aspects of daily life. It is expected that this article contributes to the understanding and reflection on Bartok (compiler), offering a comprehensive and critical vision of this topic of great relevance today.

Original author(s)Microsoft Research
Operating systemWindows

Bartok is an optimizing compiler and managed runtime system for Common Intermediate Language (which .NET languages compile to), being developed by Microsoft Research.


Bartok aims to be efficient enough to be usable for writing operating systems. It provides services such as automatic memory management and garbage collection, threading, and marshalling data to and from native code, as well as verification of CIL code. Bartok is written in C#, including the garbage collector. Bartok is being used by Microsoft Research for the implementation of Singularity, a highly-dependable operating system written almost entirely in managed code.

Bartok allows various implementations of the garbage collector, base class library and other components to be chosen at runtime on a per-application basis. This feature is being used to write the different components of Singularity – kernel, device drivers, and applications – each using a separate class library that exposes functionality required by (and optimized for) the specific usage.

See also


Further reading

  • Jeremy Condit; Juan Chen; Chris Hawblitzel; Derrick Coetzee (2008). "Type-Preserving Compilation for Large-Scale Optimizing Object-Oriented Compilers" (PDF). Association for Computing Machinery.
  • Tim Harris; Mark Plesko; Avraham Shinnar; David Tarditi (2006). "Optimizing Memory Transactions" (PDF). Association for Computing Machinery.

External links