Bulgarian customs

This article will address the topic of Bulgarian customs, which has sparked great interest and debate in contemporary society. Bulgarian customs is a topic that has marked a before and after in the way we understand the current world, since it has generated divided opinions and has provoked various controversies. Throughout this writing, we will delve into the different aspects related to Bulgarian customs, analyzing its implications, repercussions and possible solutions. Likewise, various points of view will be presented to achieve a complete and enriching understanding of Bulgarian customs.

The main Bulgarian celebration events are :

Other Bulgarian customs, specific for Bulgaria, worship God, the saints, the nature, the health, and chase away bad spirits :


  • Българска народна митология. Енциклопедичен речник. Съст. Анани Стойнев. Изд. гр. 7М+Логис, София, 1994.
  • Маринов Димитър Народна вяра и религиозни народни обичаи. Второ фототипно издание. — София, 1994.
  • Маринов Д. Жива старина. Книга перва: Верванията или суеверията на народа. — Руссе, 1891. 189 с.


  1. ^ Василева, Маргарита. Календарни празници и обичаи. В: Добруджа. Етнографски, фолклорни и езикови проучвания. БАН. София, 1974. стр. 320.

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