Butcher's wart

In this article, we are going to delve into the exciting world of Butcher's wart. From its origins to its present day, we will explore each relevant aspect that has marked the evolution of Butcher's wart over time. We will analyze its impact on society, its influence in various areas and the different perspectives that exist around this topic. We will immerse ourselves in its many facets, seeking to understand its true essence and the role it plays in our lives. Join us on this journey of discovery and reflection about Butcher's wart.

Butcher's wart
SymptomsMultiple wart on hands
CausesHPV2, 4 and 7
Risk factorsButchers
PrognosisFrequently recur

Butcher's wart is a wart on the hands of butchers. They tend to occur in multiple numbers. These warts are generally larger than common warts.

It is typically associated with HPV2, 4 and 7; up to 50% by HPV7. It occurs when hands have had prolonged contact with moist meat. Following treatment, they typically recur.

The condition is common.

Signs and symptoms

Butcher's wart presents as a wart on the hands of people who handle meat for prolonged periods of time. These warts are generally larger than common warts.


It is typically associated with HPV2, 4 and 7; mostly HPV2 and up to 50% by HPV7. It occurs when hands have had prolonged contact with moist meat. Following treatment, they typically recur.


In 1977, the condition had a prevalence of 8.5% to 23.8% among butchers and other meat-handling professions.

See also


  1. ^ a b c d e f g James, William D.; Elston, Dirk; Treat, James R.; Rosenbach, Misha A.; Neuhaus, Isaac (2020). "19. Viral diseases". Andrews' Diseases of the Skin: Clinical Dermatology (13th ed.). Edinburgh: Elsevier. p. 403. ISBN 978-0-323-54753-6.
  2. ^ a b c d "Warts, verrucas, human papillomavirus infection | DermNet". dermnetnz.org. Retrieved 9 July 2023.
  3. ^ a b c d e f g h i Griffiths, Christopher E. M.; Bleiker, Tanya O.; Creamer, Daniel; Ingram, John R.; Simpson, Rosalind C. (2022). "3. Viral infections". Rook's Dermatology Handbook. John Wiley & Sons. pp. 37–38. ISBN 978-1-119-42819-0.
  4. ^ De Peuter M, De Clercq B, Minette A, Lachapelle JM (1977). "An epidemiological survey of virus warts of the hands among butchers". Br J Dermatol. 96 (4): 427–31. doi:10.1159/000278232. PMID 861180.