Cast paper

This article will address Cast paper, a topic that has gained great relevance in recent times. Cast paper has captured the attention of experts and the general public due to its impact and relevance in different aspects of society. Throughout history, Cast paper has been the subject of study and debate, which has generated various interpretations and approaches to this topic. In this sense, it is important to analyze Cast paper from multiple perspectives in order to understand its scope and impact in various areas. That is why this article is presented, with the aim of providing a comprehensive and updated view on Cast paper, providing relevant information for the reader interested in delving deeper into this fascinating topic.

Papier-mâché sculpture of Lion or Turkey Fish

Cast paper is a paper crafting technique in which paper fiber or pulp, such as cotton fiber paper, is formed using a mold. The pulp may consist of pure fiber, or be an amalgam of fiber, binder, and filler, such as Papier-mâché. The technique is employed for in-the-round sculpture as well as bas-relief.


  1. ^ "Technique for Paper Pulp Fills on Mold-Damaged Drawings" (PDF). culturalheritage. American Institute for Conservation. Retrieved 31 August 2020.
  2. ^ "How to Cast Paper". thehamiltonclub. How to cast paper. Retrieved 31 August 2020.[permanent dead link]