Crozier head

In today's world, Crozier head is a relevant topic and of great interest to a wide spectrum of people. From its impact on society to its implications on daily life, Crozier head is an issue that deserves attention and in-depth analysis. Whether it is a recent event, a public figure or a global phenomenon, Crozier head continues to generate debate and interest in different areas. In this article, we will explore different aspects and perspectives related to Crozier head, with the aim of expanding understanding and reflection on its importance in our current reality.

Example of the crozier head in the escutcheon.

Crozier head is an heraldic ordinary in the shape of the reversed letter S, symbolizing the river.


It was used in the several coats of arms of heraldic clans of Poland, including: Drużyna, Srzeniawa, and Kopaszyna. It also is used in the coat of arms of Szydłowiec and Nowy Wiśnicz Until 1934, it was used in the coat of arms of Rynarzewo until 1934.




  1. ^ Polish: krzywaśń


  1. ^ "Krzywaśń".
  2. ^ Tadeusz Gajl, Herbarz polski od średniowiecza do XX wieku: ponad 4500 herbów szlacheckich 37 tysięcy nazwisk 55 tysięcy rodów. L&L, 2007. ISBN 978-83-60597-10-1.
  3. ^ UCHWAŁA Nr IV/31/03 Rady Miejskiej w Nowym Wiśniczu z dnia 11 marca 2003 r. w sprawie uchwalenia Statutu Gminy Nowy Wiśnicz. Biuletyn Informacji Publicznej.
  4. ^ Rynarzew in Słownik geograficzny Królestwa Polskiego, vol. 10. Rukszenice – Sochaczew, Warsaw, 1889, p. 102.


  • Tadeusz Gajl, Herbarz polski od średniowiecza do XX wieku: ponad 4500 herbów szlacheckich 37 tysięcy nazwisk 55 tysięcy rodów. L&L, 2007. ISBN 978-83-60597-10-1.