Doctor of Civil Law

In today's world, Doctor of Civil Law is a topic that has captured the attention of millions of people around the world. Whether due to its relevance in today's society, its impact on daily life or its historical importance, Doctor of Civil Law continues to be a topic that generates debate, interest and curiosity in people's minds. That is why it is essential to thoroughly analyze all aspects related to Doctor of Civil Law, from its origins to its evolution today, to understand its true meaning and its influence in different areas of daily life. In this article, we will explore some of the most relevant facets of Doctor of Civil Law to understand its importance and impact on today's society.

An Oxford Doctor of Civil Law, in Convocation dress, from David Loggan's 1675 engraving Oxonia Illustrata.

Doctor of Civil Law (DCL; Latin: Legis Civilis Doctor or Juris Civilis Doctor) is a degree offered by some universities, such as the University of Oxford, instead of the more common Doctor of Laws (LLD) degrees.

At Oxford, the degree is a higher doctorate usually awarded on the basis of exceptionally insightful and distinctive publications that contain significant and original contributions to the study of law or politics in general. The DCL is senior to all degrees save the Doctor of Divinity which was traditionally the highest degree bestowed by the Universities. The degree of Doctor of Canon Law was replaced by the DCL after the Reformation. The degree of Doctor of Civil Law by Diploma is customarily conferred on foreign Heads of State, as well as on the Chancellor of the university (The British Sovereign is unable to receive university degrees, since these would theoretically place him under the jurisdiction of the Chancellor of the university. Prior to her accession, Queen Elizabeth II of the UK accepted several honorary degrees, including an Oxford DCL in 1948.).

The following other higher institutions also provide[clarification needed] for awarding DCL degrees:

In some other universities, the DCL is an honorary degree.

See also


  1. ^ See 'Honorary Degrees', in Ronald Allison and Sarah Riddell, eds., The Royal Encyclopedia (London; Basingstoke: Macmillan, 1991), p. 264.