
Edelsa is a topic that has generated interest for many years, as it affects a large number of people in different areas of their lives. Its importance lies in its influence on the personal, professional and social development of individuals. Over time, numerous studies and research have been carried out to better understand Edelsa and its implications, which has led to the creation of various approaches and theories in this regard. In this article, different aspects related to Edelsa will be explored, from its history and evolution to its impact on current society, in order to provide a broad and complete vision of this topic.

Edelsa also Edelsa Grupo Didascalia S.A. is a Spanish language publisher of textbooks and materials for language teaching and studying especially of Spanish as a foreign language.


Edelsa was found in 1986 and from the beginning the published books for students of French language as a foreign language. In 1988 they bought Edi 6 publishers with their series called: "Español como Lengua Extranjera (E/L.E.)". Since this time Edelsa is more focused for Spanish textbooks, dictionaries, grammares and other related books. In 1995 Edelsa was bought by French Hachette-Livre publishers from Lagardère group. At this time Edelsa is one of the biggest publishers on the field of Spanish teaching materials of Spanish as a foreign language. Other important publishers on the field are SGEL, DIFUSIÓN, EDICIONES SM and SANTILLANA.



  • Para Empezar/Esto funciona
  • Ven
  • Nuevo Ven
  • ECO
  • La Pandilla
  • Los Trotamundos
  • Chicos Chicas
  • Primer Plano
  • Planet@
  • Puesta a Punto
  • Punto Final
  • ¿A que no sabes...?
  • Submarino




(in Spanish) Edelsa