
In this article, we will explore the topic of Eindexamen from various perspectives, in order to offer a complete and detailed vision of this topic that is so relevant today. We will analyze its origins, the current related trends, the different approaches that exist in this regard and its impact on society. The practical and theoretical implications of Eindexamen will also be examined, as well as its relevance in different areas, from politics to popular culture. Through in-depth analysis, we hope to provide our readers with a deeper and more nuanced understanding of Eindexamen, and encourage constructive dialogue around this topic.

The Eindexamen (Dutch pronunciation: [ˈɛi̯ntɛksamən]) or centraal examen (CE) is the matriculation exam in the Netherlands, which takes place in a student's final year of high school education (voortgezet onderwijs; "continued education"). The exam is regulated by the Dutch Secondary Education Act and the Decree on Central Examination of Secondary Education.

Depending on the level of education (vmbo, havo or vwo), studies leading to the eindexamen typically take either four, five or six years to complete (not including eight years of primary education). Successfully completing the eindexamen grants the student a diploma that certifies their level of education. A vmbo diploma qualifies a student for vocational training (mbo), whereas a havo diploma qualifies them for education at a hogeschool. A vwo diploma is required to pursue studies at a research university.


See also


  1. ^ "wetten.nl - Wet- en regelgeving - Wet op het voortgezet onderwijs - BWBR0002399". overheid.nl.
  2. ^ "wetten.nl - Wet- en regelgeving - Eindexamenbesluit VO - BWBR0004593". overheid.nl.