Epitome de Caesaribus

In this article, we delve into the world of Epitome de Caesaribus to explore its many facets and discover the importance it has in our society. From Epitome de Caesaribus as a relevant figure in history, to its relevance today, through its impact on different aspects of daily life. We will analyze how Epitome de Caesaribus has influenced and continues to influence our lives, revealing data and curiosities that you may not have known. Get ready to immerse yourself in an exciting journey through Epitome de Caesaribus and discover everything that this figure, theme, date, etc. has to offer us.

The Epitome de Caesaribus is a Latin historical work written at the end of the 4th century AD.

It is a brief account of the reigns of the Roman emperors from Augustus to Theodosius the Great. It is attributed to Aurelius Victor, but was written by an anonymous author who was very likely a pagan. The author used the so-called Enmannsche Kaisergeschichte and the (now lost) Annales of Virius Nicomachus Flavianus (a friend of Quintus Aurelius Symmachus). Although very brief in length and not always reliable, it also contains some useful information such as how the late Romans perceived the Sassanian wars and descriptions of the affairs of the Tetrarchy as well as anecdotes of various emperors. The work also shows numerous anachronisms and inaccuracies, such as referring to Caracalla as the father of the later emperor Elagabalus, a rumour perpetuated by the Severan dynasty.


  • Jörg A. Schlumberger: Die Epitome de Caesaribus. Untersuchungen zur heidnischen Geschichtsschreibung des 4. Jahrhunderts n. Chr., C.H. Beck, Munich 1974.

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