Executive Order 11063

In today's world, Executive Order 11063 is a topic that has captured the attention of millions of people around the world. With its multiple facets and implications, Executive Order 11063 has become a key point of discussion in various fields, from politics to science, culture and society in general. Throughout history, Executive Order 11063 has played a crucial role in the evolution of humanity, marking important milestones and generating significant changes in the way we see and understand the world around us. In this article, we will explore the different dimensions of Executive Order 11063 and analyze its impact on our current reality.

Executive Order 11063 was signed by President John F. Kennedy on November 20, 1962. This Order "prohibits discrimination in the sale, leasing, rental, or other disposition of properties and facilities owned or operated by the federal government or provided with federal funds." This order thereby banned segregation in federally funded housing.


  1. ^ "Fair Housing Laws and Presidential Executive Orders - HUD". Archived from the original on 2006-12-09. Retrieved 2006-12-10.

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