Government of Tatarstan

In this article, we will explore the fascinating history of Government of Tatarstan, from its origins to its impact on modern society. Government of Tatarstan has been a relevant figure in popular culture for decades, capturing the attention and interest of people of all ages. Over the years, Government of Tatarstan has evolved and taken different forms, but its influence remains undeniable. In this article, we will examine how Government of Tatarstan has shaped the way we see the world, and how its legacy lives on today. Join us on this journey through time and discover Government of Tatarstan's lasting impact on our society.

Government of the Republic of Tatarstan
Tatar: Татарстан Республикасы Министрлар Кабинеты
StateTatarstan, Russia

The Government of the Republic of Tatarstan (Tatar: Татарстан Республикасы Министрлар Кабинеты) under the purview of the Government of Russia exercises executive power and administrative control over Tatarstan. Members of government are Head (Rais) of the Republic of Tatarstan, Chairman of the Republic of Tatarstan and Cabinet Ministers. Its legal framework is governed both by the Constitution of the Republic of Tatarstan signed on April 19, 2002 and the Constitution of the Russian Federation.


  1. ^ "Правительство Российской Федерации".
  2. ^ "Республика Татарстан". 30 July 2020.
  3. ^ "Президент Татарстана".
  4. ^ "Состав правительства Республики Татарстан".
  5. ^ "Конституция Республики Татарстан".
  6. ^ "Конституция Рoссийской Фeдерации".

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