Grouping of electors (Spain)

In this article we are going to talk about Grouping of electors (Spain), a topic that has captured the attention of people of all ages and interests. Grouping of electors (Spain) is a topic that has generated a lot of debate and controversy in recent times, and it is important to analyze it from different perspectives. From its impact on society to its relevance in popular culture, Grouping of electors (Spain) has proven to be a topic of general interest that deserves to be explored in depth. Throughout this article, we will analyze different aspects of Grouping of electors (Spain), from its origin to its possible consequences in the future.

According to the Spanish electoral law, a grouping of electors (Spanish: agrupación de electores) is a group of citizens temporarily associated with the goal of presenting a candidature to a particular election. It is a format that a candidature can use to present to a given election. To present the candidature, a candidate must present a minimum number of signatures relative to the electoral census. Given its temporary nature, if the promoters wanted to use the grouping for another election, the latter must be re-constituted. Unlike political parties, party federations or electoral coalitions, a grouping of electors cannot profit from public electoral funding from a preceding candidature.


Municipal elections

As established in the Art. 192 of the electoral law, the required number of signatures depends on the size of the municipality:

  • Under 5,000 inhabitants, the number of signatures must be no less than the 1% of voters as long as the number of signataries is over the double of electable councillors.
  • Between 5,001 and 10,000 inhabitants, at least 100 signatures
  • Between 10,001 and 50,000 inhabitants, at least 500 signatures
  • Between 50,001 and 150,000 inhabitants, at least 1,500 signatures
  • Between 150,001 and 300,000 inhabitants, at least 3,000 signatures
  • Between 300,001 and 1,000,000 inhabitants, at least 5,000 signatures
  • In larger areas, at least 8,000 signatures

General elections

For a group of electors to compete in a given general election, they must present a minimum number of signatures, amounting to 1% of the electors in the electoral district (which correspond to each province and Ceuta and Melilla).

European elections

For a group of electors to compete in a given election to the European Parliament, they must present a minimum of 15,000 signatures.


  1. ^ León Alonso, Marta (2010). "Las agrupaciones de electores como forma de participación política en el sistema electoral español: garantías y límites del derecho de sufragio pasivo" (PDF). Letras jurídicas: revista de los investigadores del Instituto de Investigaciones Jurídicas U. V. (21). Xalapa: Universidad Veracruzana: 139–166. ISSN 1665-1529.
  2. ^ a b c Sánchez Hidalgo, Emilio (2018-09-09). "Qué es una agrupación de electores, la fórmula de Carmena para volver a presentarse". El País. Verne.
  3. ^ a b c "Ley Orgánica 5/1985, de 19 de junio, del Régimen Electoral General (consolidated version)". Boletín Oficial del Estado. Retrieved 2018-09-10.