IEC 61970

In the article titled IEC 61970, we will fully explore this fascinating topic/person/date that has captured the attention of many over the years. From his impact on society to his influence on popular culture, IEC 61970 has left an indelible mark on history. Through an exhaustive analysis, we will examine the most relevant and controversial aspects of IEC 61970, offering a unique and enriching perspective on this phenomenon/person/date. Join us on this journey of discovery and learning that will undoubtedly lead us to better understand and appreciate the importance of IEC 61970 in today's world.

The IEC 61970 series of standards by the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) deals with the application program interfaces for energy management systems (EMS). The series provides a set of guidelines and standards to facilitate:

  • The integration of applications developed by different suppliers in the control center environment
  • The exchange of information to systems external to the control center environment, including transmission, distribution and generation systems external to the control center that need to exchange real-time data with the control center
  • The provision of suitable interfaces for data exchange across legacy and new systems

Set of standards

The complete set of standards includes the following parts:

  • Part 1: Guidelines and general requirements
  • Part 2: Glossary
  • Part 3XX: Common Information Model (CIM)
  • Part 4XX: Component Interface Specification (CIS)
  • Part 5XX: CIS Technology Mappings

See also

External links