Immigration and Naturalisation Service (Netherlands)

The topic of Immigration and Naturalisation Service (Netherlands) is of great interest and relevance in today's world. It is a topic that covers multiple aspects and has a significant impact on society, the economy, politics and culture. Throughout history, Immigration and Naturalisation Service (Netherlands) has been the subject of debate, analysis and study, demonstrating its importance in different contexts. In this article, we will explore the different facets of Immigration and Naturalisation Service (Netherlands), examining its influence in various areas of life. Whether at an individual or collective level, Immigration and Naturalisation Service (Netherlands) awakens the interest of a wide audience, generating reflection and debate about its meaning and consequences today.

An office of the Immigration and Naturalisation Service in Utrecht.

The Immigration and Naturalisation Service, Dutch: Immigratie en Naturalisatiedienst (IND), is a Dutch government agency that handles the admission of foreigners in the Netherlands. It is part of the Ministry of Justice and Security. The IND processes all applications for asylum, family reunification, visas, naturalisation, and other residence permits.

On behalf of the Dutch Deputy Minister of Security and Justice (since 2022 Eric van der Burg) the IND implements the aliens policy, the aliens act (Dutch: 'Vreemdelingenwet') and the Netherlands nationality act (Dutch: 'Rijkswet op het Nederlanderschap').

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