Isla Partida

If you are looking for information about Isla Partida, you have come to the right place. In this article we are going to delve into the topic of Isla Partida and explore all its facets. From its origin and history to its most current applications, as well as the challenges and opportunities it presents. Whether you are interested in Isla Partida for personal, work or academic reasons, here you will find everything you need to know to better understand this topic and get the most out of it. Join us on this tour of Isla Partida and discover everything that this theme has to offer you.

Partida Island
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The island

Isla Partida is separated from Isla Espíritu Santo by a shallow, narrow channel. These two islands, in the Gulf of California, are protected by UNESCO as biospheres. They are located a short boat ride from La Paz, which lies on the Baja California Peninsula in Mexico. It has a land area of 15.495 km (9.628 mi) and is part of the Municipality of La Paz in Baja California Sur.


24°33′45″N 110°22′42″W / 24.56250°N 110.37833°W / 24.56250; -110.37833