Kesar Ordin

In this article we will explore the topic of Kesar Ordin and its impact on today's society. Kesar Ordin has been the subject of interest and debate for years, and its relevance has not diminished over time. In recent decades, we have seen significant advances and research around Kesar Ordin, leading to greater understanding and awareness of its importance. Through this article, we will delve into the different aspects surrounding Kesar Ordin, from its history and evolution to its influence in different areas of daily life. We hope that this exploration contributes to shedding light on Kesar Ordin and its implications in today's world.

Kesar Ordin

Kesar Filippovich Ordin (1835—1892) was a 19th-century Russian mathematician and historian.

He was a graduate in mathematics of St. Petersburg University and author of a number of articles on Finland, opposing Finnish separatism.

Ordin is perhaps most known of his work in which he tried to disprove the claims published by Finnish (also part of Russia at that time) Leo Mechelin about the 1809 Diet of Porvoo. Whereas Mechelin thought that Finland and Russia had made a treaty which resulted the two countries to form a so-called "permanent union", Ordin's version was that Finland had simply been merged to the motherland.


  • Heikkonen, Ojakoski, Väisänen, "Muutosten maailma 4: Suomen historian käännekohtia" (WSOY, 2003), ISBN 951-0-27645-6. Pages 59 and 202.