List of HTML editors

This article will address the topic of List of HTML editors, which has been the subject of interest and debate in various areas. List of HTML editors has aroused the interest of experts and the general public due to its relevance and impact in different areas. Throughout history, List of HTML editors has been the object of study and analysis, which has allowed us to delve deeper into its meaning and significance. In this sense, it is essential to delve into the different approaches and perspectives that exist around List of HTML editors, in order to understand its importance and contribution in the field in which it operates. This article aims to provide a broad and detailed vision of List of HTML editors, providing elements that enrich knowledge and promote a critical and reflective analysis of this topic.

The following is a list of HTML editors.

Source code editors

Source code editors evolved from basic text editors, but include additional tools specifically geared toward handling code.

WYSIWYG editors

HTML editors that support What You See Is What You Get (WYSIWYG) paradigm provide a user interface similar to a word processor for creating HTML documents, as an alternative to manual coding. Achieving true WYSIWYG however is not always possible.

Word processors

While word processors are not ostensibly HTML editors, the following word processors are capable of editing and saving HTML documents. Results will vary when opening some web pages.

WYSIWYM editors

WYSIWYM (what you see is what you mean) is an alternative paradigm to WYSIWYG, in which the focus is on the semantic structure of the document rather than on the presentation. These editors produce more logically structured markup than is typical of WYSIWYG editors, while retaining the advantage in ease of use over hand-coding using a text editor.

  • Lyx (interface to Latex/Tex, via which can convert to/from HTML)
  • WYMeditor

Discontinued editors

Editors that have been discontinued, but may still be in use or cited on published web pages

See also


  1. ^ Ivanovs, Alex (2015-12-16). "WYSIWYG Website Builders for Online Business". HuffPost. Retrieved 2024-04-15.
  2. ^ Person, Ron; Laby, Lorry; Merkel, Brady P. (1995). Web Publishing with Word for Windows. Que. ISBN 978-0-7897-0243-2.

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