List of hills and mountains in Denmark

In today's article, we will explore the fascinating world of List of hills and mountains in Denmark. From its origins to its impact on modern society, we will delve into its history, evolution and relevance in today's world. List of hills and mountains in Denmark is a topic that has aroused interest and curiosity over time, and throughout this article, we will try to shed light on its most significant aspects. With expert interviews, in-depth analysis and practical examples, we aim to offer a comprehensive and insightful view of List of hills and mountains in Denmark, so that our readers can expand their knowledge and better understand its importance in different contexts. Get ready to enter a world of discoveries and reflections on List of hills and mountains in Denmark!

This is a list of hills and mountains in Denmark.

Hills in Denmark

This table lists only hills in the country of Denmark, excluding Danish territories (Faroe Islands and Greenland). The listing only considers natural formations.

No. Mountain Country part Elevation Notes
1 Møllehøj Skanderborg municipality 170.86 m
2 Yding Skovhøj Horsens municipality 170.77 m One of the Bronze Age burial mounds on top reaches 172.54
3 Ejer Bavnehøj Skanderborg municipality 170.35 m
4 Lindbjerg 170.08 m
5 Margretelyst SØ 169.78 m
6 Vistofte 169.44 m
7 Rytterknægten Bornholm 162 m Highest point of the island
8 Himmelbjerget Skanderborg municipality 147 m Considered the highest peak in Denmark until 1847
9 Aborrebjerg Møn 143 m Highest point of the island

Mountains in Danish territories

  • Gunnbjørn, Greenland, 3700 m. Highest mountain in the Kingdom of Denmark.


  1. ^ Kort & Matrikelstyrelsen, Nyt højeste punkt i Danmark
  2. ^ "Hexmasters Faktoider: Danmarks högsta berg".