List of newsgroups

In the contemporary world, List of newsgroups has acquired an unusual relevance that has impacted various aspects of society. Since its emergence, List of newsgroups has generated debates, controversies and significant changes in different areas, from culture to the economy. Its influence has spread globally, attracting the attention of specialists, researchers and the general public. In this article, we will explore the impact of List of newsgroups on today's society, analyzing its implications and reflecting on its role in the modern world.

This is a partial list of newsgroups that are significant for their popularity or their position in Usenet history.

The Big-8 hierarchies

These are the most widely distributed and carefully controlled newsgroup hierarchies. See Big 8 (Usenet) and the Great Renaming for more information.


Computer-related topics.


Matters related to the functioning of Usenet itself.


Recreation and entertainment topics.


Science-related topics.


Discussion of various topics, especially controversial ones. Includes political topics as well.

The alt hierarchy

This is the most extensive newsgroup hierarchy outside of the Big 8. Examples include:
