List of protected areas of Slovenia

In this article, we will thoroughly explore List of protected areas of Slovenia and its many implications in today's society. From its impact on the economy to its influence on popular culture, List of protected areas of Slovenia has been the subject of debate and analysis in different areas. Over the years, List of protected areas of Slovenia has proven to be a topic of interest not only to specialists and academics, but also to the general public. Through this article, we will try to shed light on the most relevant aspects of List of protected areas of Slovenia, analyzing its evolution over time and examining the different perspectives that exist on this topic. Get ready to embark on an intriguing journey of discovery about List of protected areas of Slovenia and its many facets!

Protected areas of Slovenia include one national park (Slovene: narodni park), three regional parks (regijski park), several natural parks (krajinski park), and hundreds of natural monuments (naravni spomenik) and monuments of designed nature (spomenik oblikovane narave). They cover about 12.5% of the Slovenian territory. Under the Wild Birds Directive, 26 sites totalling roughly 25% of the nation's land are "Special Protected Areas"; the Natura 2000 proposal would increase the totals to 260 sites and 32% of national territory.

National parks

Regional parks

Natural parks

Natural monuments

On 1 January 2012, there were 1276 natural monuments in Slovenia.

Natura 2000 areas


  1. ^ Bizjak, Janez (2008). Zavarovana območja v Sloveniji [Protected Areas of Slovenia] (PDF) (in Slovenian and English). Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning, Republic of Slovenia. ISBN 978-961-6392-61-7.

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