List of theatres in Hungary

Nowadays, List of theatres in Hungary is a topic that generates great interest in society. Over time, List of theatres in Hungary has become a fundamental element in people's daily lives. Whether at work, socially or personally, List of theatres in Hungary plays a crucial role in the way we live. Throughout history, List of theatres in Hungary has evolved and adapted to the needs and demands of society, becoming a topic of constant study and research. In this article, we will explore the different aspects and repercussions of List of theatres in Hungary in everyday life, as well as its influence in various fields and sectors.

The following is a list of professional and amateur theatres and theatre companies, temporary open-air theatres and stages in Hungary. They are organised in categories.

Classical theatres

National Theatre, Budapest
Csokonai Theatre, Debrecen
National Theatre, Szeged
National Theatre, Miskolc
National Theatre, Pécs
National Theatre, Győr


Rest of the country

City theatres with permanent company

Theatre buildings without permanent company, auditoriums, open-air and summer theatres

Alternative theatres


Rest of the country

Movement and dance theatres

Puppet theatres