Louis Burkhalter

Today, Louis Burkhalter is a topic that continues to generate interest and debate in different areas. For years, Louis Burkhalter has been the subject of research, discussions and reflections among experts and people interested in the topic. Its importance lies in its influence on fundamental aspects of society, culture and daily life. In this article, we will delve into the world of Louis Burkhalter to explore its different facets and understand its impact today. Through in-depth analysis, we will seek to shed light on the key aspects of Louis Burkhalter and its relevance in the contemporary world.

Louis Burkhalter was a French archaeologist and former delegate of the Société préhistorique française (French Prehistoric Society).

He was notable for his exploration and documentation of prehistoric sites in Lebanon and Syria. He made notable collections of Acheulean and Abbevillian bifaces from around the valleys and coasts and compiled an early list of prehistoric sites published by the National Museum of Beirut.

He is also notable in some fringe circles for suggesting the existence of giants as a "scientific fact" in the Acheulean period when commenting on the gigantic lithic finds of Denis Saurat at Sasnych in Syria. Later review of his suggestion notes that large lithics found could have been used for stunning and traps and present no evidence for giant populations.


(Principal Publications)

  • Burkhalter, Louis., "Bibliographie préhistorique (à suivre)." in Bulletin du Musée de Beyrouth. Tome VIII, 1946–1948.
  • Burkhalter, Louis., "Bibliographie préhistorique (suite et fin)" in Bulletin du Musée de Beyrouth. Tome IX, 1949–1950.


  1. ^ a b Pervès, Maurice., La préhistoire de la Syrie et du Liban, Syria, 1946.
  2. ^ Burkhalter, Louis., "Bibliographie préhistorique (suite et fin)" in Bulletin du Musée de Beyrouth. Tome IX, 1949-1950.
  3. ^ Erich von Däniken (24 April 2012). Twilight of the Gods: The Mayan Calendar and the Return of the Extraterrestrials. Open Road Media. pp. 28–. ISBN 978-1-4532-5425-7. Retrieved 13 October 2012.
  4. ^ Edeine, Bernard., Monuments mégalithiques détruits ou en voie de disparition dans le bac de Caux, Annales de Normandie, 1957.