Lunar Expeditionary Complex

In today's article we are going to talk about Lunar Expeditionary Complex, a topic that has generated great interest in recent times. Lunar Expeditionary Complex is something that affects many people in different aspects of their lives, whether on a personal, professional or even social level. It is a topic that deserves our attention and analysis, since its impact can be significant in our daily lives. Throughout this article we will explore different aspects of Lunar Expeditionary Complex, from its origin to its consequences, including its possible solutions or ways to address it. We hope this article gives you a deeper insight into Lunar Expeditionary Complex and helps you better understand its relevance in today's society.

The LEK Lunar Expeditionary Complex was a lunar expedition and Moon base proposed by Valentin Glushko in 1974 as a Soviet response to the United States' Apollo program and as a successor to the Zvezda moonbase, which was based on the cancelled N1-L3 crewed Moon expedition program. If implemented, it was intended to have been operational by 1980 and used for scientific and engineering research.


The Vulkan-LEK project was based on new superheavy launcher developed in Glushko's bureau.

The moonbase design consisted of a number of modules, including:

  • Lunokhod, an 8-ton pressurized lunar rover to be used to build the base and for expeditions.
  • The LZM ("Laboratory-Factory Module"), a 15.5-ton pressurized module to be used for oxygen production and scientific experiments.
  • The LZhM ("Laboratory-Habitation Module"), 21.5-ton habitation module where cosmonauts were to reside.
  • A nuclear power station to provide electricity.
  • A simple transport vehicle to ferry supplies to and from a lunar orbit.

Project termination

The project was cancelled in 1976 when a Russian Academy of Sciences Commission ruled that resources should be targeted toward projects primarily adding economic value rather than for national prestige.

See also


  1. ^ "Lunokhod LEK". Archived from the original on 2008-01-17. Retrieved 2008-02-05.

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