Medicine bag

In this article we are going to delve into Medicine bag, a topic that has been the subject of interest and debate for a long time. Medicine bag is a topic that has captured the attention of academics, experts and the general public, generating a series of conflicting opinions and diverse positions. Over the years, Medicine bag has been the subject of study in different fields of knowledge, which has enriched the debate around this topic. In this article we will try to shed light on Medicine bag, exploring its different dimensions and perspectives to achieve a deeper understanding of its importance and relevance today.

1935 drawing of a medicine bag

A medicine bag is usually a small pouch, worn by some Indigenous peoples of the Americas, that contains sacred items. A personal medicine bag may contain objects that symbolize personal well-being and tribal identity. Traditionally, medicine bags are worn under the clothing. Their contents are private, and often of a personal and religious nature.

See also


  1. ^ Jones, Blackwolf; Jones, Gina (2010). Listen to the Drum: Blackwolf Shares His Medicine. Center City, Minnesota: Simon and Schuster. p. 78. ISBN 9781592859733.
  2. ^ Trask, Kerry A. (2013). Black Hawk: The Battle for the Heart of America. New York City: Henry Holt and Company. p. 113. ISBN 9781466860926.
  3. ^ Nida, William Lewis (1913). The Story of Illinois and its People. Chicago: O. P. Barnes. pp. 27.
  4. ^ Peet, Stephen D. (1893). "Craft Symbols and Religious Emblems". The American Antiquarian and Oriental Journal. 15–16: 97.