
Today, Mesehti is a topic that generates great interest and debate in different areas of society. For years, this topic has acquired significant relevance, awakening the interest of experts, academics, professionals and the general public. The importance of Mesehti lies in its impact on various aspects of daily life, as well as its influence on decision-making at a political, social and economic level. Therefore, it is essential to understand in depth the aspects surrounding Mesehti, its implications and its short- and long-term effects. That is why in this article we will comprehensively and objectively address the different aspects related to Mesehti, with the aim of providing a clear and complete vision of this topic that is so relevant today.

of the 13th nomos of Upper Egypt
Models of Egyptian spearmen from the tomb of Mesehti at Asyut. Cairo Museum.
Dynasty11th dynasty

Mesehti was an ancient Egyptian nomarch of the 13th nomos of Upper Egypt ("the Upper Sycamore") around 2000 BCE, during the 11th Dynasty. He also was seal-bearer and overseer of the priests of Wepwawet.


in hieroglyphs
Era: Middle Kingdom
(2055–1650 BC)

Mesehti is well known for his funerary equipment, found in Asyut at the end of 19th century during an illegal excavation. The contents of the tomb, which at the time of the discovery appeared undisturbed, was mainly sold to the Egyptian Museum in Cairo.

Among the objects of the funerary equipment, the most famous are the wooden models of soldiers: a group of striding Egyptian spearmen equipped with a hide shield and a white skirt, and another group composed of 40 striding nubian archers, darker-skinned and wearing a red loincloth.
The tomb also contained two large wooden coffins whose interior is richly decorated with Coffin Texts; these coffins are among the main sources for this type of religious texts, which were much used during the First Intermediate Period and the Middle Kingdom.


  1. ^ "251".
  2. ^ Cairo CG 257.
  3. ^ Cairo CG 28118; 28119.


  • Michael Rice, Who is who in Ancient Egypt, 1999 (2004), p. 115. Routledge, London, ISBN 0-203-44328-4.