Mountain View Diners Company

In this article, we will explore in depth the topic of Mountain View Diners Company, which has been the subject of interest and debate in various areas. From its origins to its relevance today, we will address its many facets and its impact on society. Through an exhaustive and rigorous analysis, we seek to shed light on different aspects related to Mountain View Diners Company, providing valuable information and diverse perspectives to enrich the knowledge of our readers. By exposing data, testimonies and relevant studies, we aim to offer a complete and objective vision that allows us to understand the importance of Mountain View Diners Company in different contexts and situations.

Mountain View Diners Company, established by Les Daniel and Henry Strys in the Singac section of Little Falls, New Jersey, to manufacture prefabricated diners, operated from 1939 to 1957, selling diners that were shipped nationwide. "A Mountain View Diner will last a lifetime" was the company motto. Their pre-World War II diner models usually incorporated late Art Deco styling, few were produced during the war years. Post-war, streamline styling then in vogue was used. The company ceased operation in 1957 after producing over 400 diners. Subsequent to 1957, Les Daniel II established Mountain View Auto body. It is currently owned and operated by Les Daniel III.

Partial list of Mountain View diners

Sorted by Serial # where known:

See also


  1. ^ Funk, Richard W. "Building diners was specialty of several companies", Standard-Speaker, December 2, 2001. Accessed July 21, 2023, via "New Jersey could be considered the capital of the diner industry.... Mountain View Diners of Singac, N.J., was in business from 1939 to 1957. Hazleton's Blue Comet is a heavily remodeled 1957 model. This firm was known as a very aggressive marketer in the 1950s and its diners were shipped all over the country."
  2. ^ Vintage Jersey diner is offered for free to anyone who will move it from Route 1 in Lawrence |
  3. ^ Vacant Route 1 diner rescued from demolition in Mercer County is slated for $100K restoration |
  4. ^ Vintage Giordano Diner makes journey from Lawrence to new home in Hamilton |

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