Papiine betaherpesvirus 3

Nowadays, Papiine betaherpesvirus 3 is a topic that arouses great interest in society. Whether due to its impact on people's lives or its relevance in the academic field, Papiine betaherpesvirus 3 is a topic that deserves to be explored in depth. In this article, we will analyze different aspects related to Papiine betaherpesvirus 3, from its historical origin to its influence today. In addition, we will address various perspectives and opinions on Papiine betaherpesvirus 3, in order to offer a comprehensive and plural vision on this topic. From its importance in popular culture to its political dimension, Papiine betaherpesvirus 3 is a topic that invites us to reflect and question our perceptions. Join us on this tour of Papiine betaherpesvirus 3 and discover its many facets with us.

Papiine betaherpesvirus 3
Virus classification Edit this classification
(unranked): Virus
Realm: Duplodnaviria
Kingdom: Heunggongvirae
Phylum: Peploviricota
Class: Herviviricetes
Order: Herpesvirales
Family: Orthoherpesviridae
Genus: Cytomegalovirus
Papiine betaherpesvirus 3

Papiine betaherpesvirus 3 (PaHV-3) is a species of virus in the genus Cytomegalovirus, subfamily Betaherpesvirinae, family Herpesviridae, and order Herpesvirales.


  1. ^ "ICTV Master Species List 2018b.v2". International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses (ICTV). Retrieved 19 June 2019.[dead link]