Playgrounds of the Mind

The topic of Playgrounds of the Mind is one that has piqued the interest of many people throughout history. Since its origin, Playgrounds of the Mind has been the subject of debate, study and analysis by specialists in various disciplines. Its relevance has transcended borders and has impacted different cultures around the world. In this article, we will explore the different facets of Playgrounds of the Mind, from its impact on today's society to its evolution over time. Furthermore, we will examine how Playgrounds of the Mind has influenced various aspects of everyday life and what future prospects are envisioned for this topic. Join us on this journey to discover everything Playgrounds of the Mind has to offer!

Cover of the first edition, published by Tor Books. Art by Dave Archer.

Playgrounds of the Mind is a collection of short stories by American writer Larry Niven, published in 1991. It is the sequel to N-Space.

Many of the stories are set in Niven's Known Space universe. There are also excerpts from his The Magic Goes Away novel series, as well as several stories from his The Draco Tavern setting (an alien bar) and other sources.

