Quad helix

In the article on Quad helix different aspects related to this topic will be explored. From its origin to its contemporary implications, the importance of Quad helix in our current world will be analyzed in depth. Different perspectives will be addressed and relevant data will be presented that will allow the reader to better understand the relevance of Quad helix in our society. Additionally, the possible future impacts of Quad helix will be examined and possible solutions or alternative approaches to address this issue will be discussed. This article will serve as a complete guide to thoroughly understand Quad helix and its impact on our lives.

A quad helix (or quadhelix) is an orthodontic appliance for the upper teeth that is cemented in the mouth. It is attached to the molars by 2 bands and has two or four active helix springs that widen the arch of the mouth to make room for crowded teeth, or correct a posterior cross-bite, where lower teeth are buccal (outer) than upper teeth. It is usually made from 38 mil stainless steel wire and is primarily indicated in mixed dentition, cleft patients and those that have performed the act of thumbsucking. A variety of this appliance is inserted into attachments that are welded to the bands. In this way the orthodontist can adjust the appliance without removing the bands.

The precursor to the quad-helix was the coffin spring. Similar devices known as tri-helices and bi-helices were later developed, with three and two helix springs, respectively.

The expander works by gently pushing the teeth outwards to eventually widen the upper arch. A quad helix expander is usually given to those who have a narrow top jaw, a cross bite and/or crowded teeth.


  1. ^ Mitchell, Laura (2007). An Introduction to Orthodontics. Oxford University Press. ISBN 9780198568124.
  2. ^ Singh, Gurkeerat (December 31, 2007). Textbook of Orthodontics (2nd ed.). New Delhi: Jaypee Brothers Publishers.