Regions of Bosnia and Herzegovina

In today's article, we will explore the fascinating world of Regions of Bosnia and Herzegovina. From its origins to its relevance in today's society, we will thoroughly examine all aspects related to this topic. We will analyze its impacts in different areas, such as economy, culture, science and technology, to understand its importance and influence on our daily lives. Throughout this article, we will learn about the various perspectives and opinions of experts on the subject, as well as testimonies from people who have participated in experiences related to Regions of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Get ready to embark on a journey of discovery and learning that will leave you with a broader and enriching vision about Regions of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Bosnia and Herzegovina, like many countries, is made of geographical, historical, and political regions. The current geopolitical regions were finalised with the signing of the Dayton Agreement.

Geographical regions

Bosnia (Bosna)

Herzegovina (Hercegovina)

Historical regions

Historical regions
Bosnia in the Middle Ages spanning the Banate of Bosnia and the succeeding Kingdom of Bosnia

Medieval counties

Urban regions

Political regions

Bosnia and Herzegovina after the Dayton Agreement

See also


  1. ^ "Europe: Bosnia and Herzegovina". CIA factbook. Retrieved 2020-01-27.