Scalable Network Application Package

In today's world, Scalable Network Application Package is a topic of great importance that continues to generate interest and debate. Scalable Network Application Package has long been a meeting point for a wide variety of opinions, and its relevance continues to rise today. Whether it is about historical, cultural, social or political aspects, Scalable Network Application Package continues to be a topic of constant relevance and continues to arouse the curiosity and interest of a wide spectrum of audiences. In this article, we will delve into the various aspects of Scalable Network Application Package, exploring its importance and implications in different contexts.

Scalable Network Application Package (SNAP) or SNAP Mobile is an online gaming platform from Nokia. It is intended for use for Java multiplayer online games. It consists of SNAP Mobile API for the client and it uses HTTP or TCP to connect to the SNAP Mobile gateway.

This gaming platform was the old Sega Network Application Package that Sega sold to Nokia on 2003 and renamed it as Scalable Network Application Package.

See also


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