Scottish National Movement

In today's world, Scottish National Movement has become a topic of general interest to many people. From its impact on society to its relevance in daily life, Scottish National Movement has captured the attention of individuals of all ages and backgrounds. Whether due to its influence on popular culture, its importance in history, or its relevance in the scientific field, Scottish National Movement is a topic that calls us to reflect and explore deeply. In this article, we will explore different aspects related to Scottish National Movement, analyzing its meaning, its impact and its evolution over time.

The Scottish National Movement (SNM) was a political organisation which campaigned for Scottish independence in the 1920s. It amalgamated with other Scottish nationalist bodies in 1928 to form the National Party of Scotland.

A breakaway from the Scots National League, the SNM was a small, Edinburgh-based group led by Lewis Spence. Like Spence, its followers were mainly literary figures evincing a romantic, nostalgic nationalism typical of the period. The SNM aimed to re-establish a Scottish Parliament and an independent state within the British Empire. As a matter of tactics, it gave its support to any measure directed towards Home Rule. It was active in the negotiations from which the National Party of Scotland emerged, and into which the SNM merged.

Further reading

  • Barberis, Peter, McHugh, John and Tyldesley, Mike, Encyclopedia of British and Irish Political Organizations, Bloomsbury, 2005
  • Brand, Jack, The National Movement in Scotland, Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1978
  • Richard J. Finlay, Independent and Free: Scottish Politics and the Origins of the Scottish National Party 1918-1945, John Donald Publishers, 1994
  • Hanham, H.J., Scottish Nationalism, Harvard University Press, 1969
  • Christopher Harvie, Scotland and Nationalism: Scottish Society and Politics 1707 to the Present, Routledge (4th edition), 2004
  • Lynch, Peter, SNP: The History of the Scottish National Party, Welsh Academic Press, 2002
  • John MacCormick, The Flag in the Wind: The Story of the National Movement in Scotland, Victor Gollancz Ltd, 1955


  1. ^ Peter Barberis; John McHugh; Mike Tyldesley (2005). Encyclopedia of British and Irish Political Organizations. Bloomsbury. p. 395.