Semantic reasoner

In today's article we are going to talk about Semantic reasoner, a topic of great relevance today. Semantic reasoner is a topic that has captured the attention of many people around the world and has generated an intense debate in society. Throughout this article, we will explore different aspects related to Semantic reasoner, from its origin and evolution, to its impact on people's lives. In addition, we will analyze the different perspectives and opinions that exist around Semantic reasoner, as well as its implications at an individual and collective level. Don't miss this complete guide on Semantic reasoner, where you will find relevant and updated information on this fascinating topic.

A semantic reasoner, reasoning engine, rules engine, or simply a reasoner, is a piece of software able to infer logical consequences from a set of asserted facts or axioms. The notion of a semantic reasoner generalizes that of an inference engine, by providing a richer set of mechanisms to work with. The inference rules are commonly specified by means of an ontology language, and often a description logic language. Many reasoners use first-order predicate logic to perform reasoning; inference commonly proceeds by forward chaining and backward chaining. There are also examples of probabilistic reasoners, including non-axiomatic reasoning systems, and probabilistic logic networks.

Notable applications

Notable semantic reasoners and related software:

Free to use (closed source)

  • Cyc inference engine, a forward and backward chaining inference engine with numerous specialized modules for high-order logic.
  • KAON2 is an infrastructure for managing OWL-DL, SWRL, and F-Logic ontologies.

Free software (open source)

  • Cwm, a forward-chaining reasoner used for querying, checking, transforming and filtering information. Its core language is RDF, extended to include rules, and it uses RDF/XML or N3 serializations as required.
  • Drools, a forward-chaining inference-based rules engine which uses an enhanced implementation of the Rete algorithm.
  • Evrete, a forward-chaining Java rule engine that uses the Rete algorithm and is compliant with the Java Rule Engine API (JSR 94).
  • D3web, a platform for knowledge-based systems (expert systems).
  • Flora-2, an object-oriented, rule-based knowledge-representation and reasoning system.
  • Jena, an open-source semantic-web framework for Java which includes a number of different semantic-reasoning modules.
  • OWLSharp, a lightweight and friendly .NET library for realizing intelligent Semantic Web applications.
  • NRules a forward-chaining inference-based rules engine implemented in C# which uses an enhanced implementation of the Rete algorithm
  • Prova, a semantic-web rule engine which supports data integration via SPARQL queries and type systems (RDFS, OWL ontologies as type system).
  • DIP, Defeasible-Inference Platform (DIP) is an Web Ontology Language reasoner and Protégé desktop plugin for representing and reasoning with defeasible subsumption. It implements a Preferential entailment style of reasoning that reduces to "classical entailment" i.e., without the need to modify the underlying decision procedure.

Applications that contain reasoners

Semantic Reasoner for Internet of Things (open-source)

S-LOR (Sensor-based Linked Open Rules) semantic reasoner S-LOR is under GNU GPLv3 license.  

S-LOR (Sensor-based Linked Open Rules) is a rule-based reasoning engine and an approach for sharing and reusing interoperable rules to deduce meaningful knowledge from sensor measurements.

See also


  1. ^ Wang, Pei. "Grounded on Experience Semantics for intelligence, Tech report 96". CRCC. Retrieved 13 April 2015.
  2. ^ Goertzel, Ben; Iklé, Matthew; Goertzel, Izabela Freire; Heljakka, Ari (2008). Probabilistic Logic Networks: A Comprehensive Framework for Uncertain Inference. Springer Science & Business Media. p. 42. ISBN 9780387768724.
  3. ^ Britz, K. and Varzinczak, I., (2018). Rationality and context in defeasible subsumption. In International Symposium on Foundations of Information and Knowledge Systems (pp. 114-132). Springer, Cham.

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