Solar New Year

Nowadays, Solar New Year has become a highly relevant topic in modern society. From its impact on people's daily lives to its influence on the global economy, Solar New Year has sparked increasing interest in various areas of knowledge. As technology advances rapidly and mindsets change, it is important to carefully examine the positive and negative aspects of Solar New Year, as well as explore its long-term implications. In this article, we will take an in-depth look at Solar New Year and its impact on today's world, providing valuable insights and critical analysis on this ever-evolving topic. Read on to discover more about Solar New Year and its relevance in our times!

The sun is directly behind the Heel Stone of Stonehenge, at sunrise on the summer solstice
The sun behind the Heel Stone of Stonehenge, at sunrise on the summer solstice

The Solar New Year is the beginning of the solar calendar year. This event is observed at different times of year and with varying practices in cultures across the globe. The most common bases chosen to begin a new calendar year are the winter solstice, summer solstice, the spring equinox and the autumnal equinox. South and South-east Asian solar calendars are more formally linked to astronomical events.

Some of the more widely known solar new year celebrations include:

See also


  1. ^ The Julian calendar gains a day against the true solar year every 129 years. In other words, the Julian calendar gains 3.1 days every 400 years, while the Gregorian calendar gains 0.1 day over the same time. The Julian calendar will gain another day in 2100 but the Gregorian will not.


  1. ^ "Water, Water, Everywhere". AsiaCarolinas.