
In today's article we are going to talk about Technofantasy. This is a topic that has gained great relevance in recent years and has aroused the interest of many people. Technofantasy is a topic that covers a wide range of aspects and can be applied to different areas of life. In this article we will explore different aspects of Technofantasy, from its historical origin to its impact on today's society. Furthermore, we will analyze how Technofantasy has evolved over time and what are the future perspectives on this topic. Do not miss it!

Technofantasy is a subgenre of fantasy, which has some elements of science and technology but it does not rationalize their use through scientific or quasi-scientific terms, which distinguishes it from science fiction and science fantasy. The less realistic and the more "technobabble" any explanation is, the closer the work is to technofantasy. The concept of technofantasy has been described as "destroying the difference between magic and science".

See also


  1. ^ Grant, John (1997). "Technofantasy". Encyclopedia of Fantasy (1997).
  2. ^ Enciu, Elena (2019). "THE PORTRAIT OF A STEAMY, (UN)CORSETED SUB-CULTURE". International Journal of Cross-Cultural Studies and Environmental Communication. 8 (2): 22–30. ISSN 2285-3324.