Time in Mali

In this article, we are going to delve into the fascinating universe of Time in Mali, exploring its many facets and its impact on our daily lives. From its origins to its current evolution, through its relevance in popular culture and its influence in various fields, Time in Mali has managed to capture the attention of millions of people around the world. Through a detailed and exhaustive analysis, we will discover the reasons that make Time in Mali a topic of inexhaustible interest, as well as the implications it has on modern society. Get ready to immerse yourself in an exciting journey that will lead you to better understand the impact that Time in Mali has on our environment and on our way of perceiving the world around us.

Time in Mali
Time zoneGreenwich Mean Time
UTC offsetUTC±00:00
Daylight saving time
DST not observed
tz database

Time in Mali is given by a single time zone, denoted as Greenwich Mean Time (GMT; UTC±00:00). Mali shares this time zone with several other countries, including fourteen in western Africa. Mali does not observe daylight saving time (DST).

IANA time zone database

In the IANA time zone database, Mali is given one zone in the file zone.tab – Africa/Bamako, which is an alias to Africa/Abidjan. "ML" refers to the country's ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code. Data for Mali directly from zone.tab of the IANA time zone database; columns marked with * are the columns from zone.tab itself:

c.c.* coordinates* TZ* Comments UTC offset DST
ML +1239−00800 Africa/Bamako +00:00 +00:00

See also


  1. ^ "Mali". The World Factbook. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). Retrieved 10 August 2022. time difference: UTC 0
  2. ^ "Mali time zone". GreenwichMeanTime.com. Retrieved 10 August 2022.
  3. ^ Western European Time. TimeAndDate.com. Retrieved 26 July 2021.
  4. ^ "Mali Time Zone". TimeTemperature.com. Retrieved 10 August 2022.
  5. ^ "Africa". tz database. Internet Assigned Numbers Authority. Retrieved 10 August 2022.

External links