Tree caliper

In this article we are going to address the issue of Tree caliper, which has been the subject of debate and analysis in various areas. Tree caliper is a topic that arouses great interest and has generated different positions among experts and the general public. Throughout this article, we will thoroughly explore the relevant aspects related to Tree caliper, as well as the implications it has in various contexts. We will focus on analyzing different approaches, recent research and perspectives that will help to more fully understand the importance and relevance of Tree caliper today.

A tree caliper is a special caliper to measure the diameter at breast height of a tree. When used in forestry, the term "caliper" can refer to the diameter of a tree's trunk at breast height itself. The measurement is generally made at 4.5 feet (1.4 m) to 5 feet (1.5 m) above the soil.

"Caliper measurements on young trees are taken 6 inches above the soil. Once a tree's caliper exceeds 4 inches, the tree is measured at a height of 12 inches."

There are a considerable number of designs of the tool.


  1. ^ Wright, Jacob J. "What Does Caliper Mean in Landscaping?". Hunker. Retrieved November 9, 2020. Archived August 15, 2020, at the Wayback Machine.
  2. ^ "Вилка, измерительный инструмент" . Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary (in Russian). 1906.

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