White propaganda

In today's world, White propaganda has become a topic of great relevance and interest to a wide spectrum of society. Knowing more about White propaganda is essential to understand its impact on various aspects of our daily lives. From its influence on the economy to its role in popular culture, White propaganda has positioned itself as a central topic in contemporary discourse. In this article, we will delve into the world of White propaganda to explore its different facets and its relevance in the current context.

The German White Book (1914), a government-printed piece of white propaganda in support of the German entry into World War I

White propaganda is propaganda that does not hide its origin or nature. It is the most common type of propaganda and is distinguished from black propaganda which disguises its origin to discredit an opposing cause.

It typically uses standard public relations techniques and one-sided presentation of an argument. In some languages the word "propaganda" does not have a negative connotation. For example, the Russian word, propaganda (пропаганда) has a neutral connotation in some cases, similar to the English word "promotion" (of an opinion or argument). Jacques Ellul, in one of the major books on the subject of propaganda, Propaganda: The Formation of Men's Attitudes, mentions white propaganda as an acknowledgment of the awareness of the public of attempts being made to influence it. In some states there is a Ministry of Propaganda, for instance; in such a case, one admits that propaganda is being made, its source is known, and its aims and intentions are identified.

See also


  1. ^ "white propaganda". Department of Defense. Archived from the original on 2016-03-04.
  2. ^ "White Propaganda - A Weapon of War - National Library of Scotland". digital.nls.uk.
  3. ^ Ellul, Jacques (1965). Propaganda: The Formation of Men’s Attitudes, p. 16.Trans. Konrad Kellen & Jean Lerner. Vintage Books, New York. ISBN 978-0-394-71874-3.

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