Workplace listening

In today's world, Workplace listening has gained unprecedented relevance. Whether on a personal, professional or social level, Workplace listening has become a topic of constant interest and debate. Its impact ranges from the way we relate to others to the way we carry out our daily activities. In this article, we will explore in depth the importance of Workplace listening and how its influence has brought about significant changes in various aspects of our lives. From its origins to its future projection, Workplace listening will continue to be a topic of study and reflection that deserves our full attention.

Workplace listening is a type of active listening that is generally employed in a professional environment. Listening skills are imperative for career success, organizational effectiveness, and worker satisfaction. Workplace listening includes understanding the listening process (i.e. perception, interpretation, evaluation, and action) and its barriers that hamper the flow of that process. Like other skills, there are specific techniques for improving workplace listening effectiveness. Moreover, it is imperative to become aware of the role of nonverbal communication in communicating in the workplace, as understanding messages wholly entails more than simple verbal messages.

See also


  • Anderson. P.A. (2008). Nonverbal Communication Forms and Functions (2nd ed.). Long Grove: Waveland Press Inc.
  • Guffey, M.E., Rhodes, K., & Rogin, P. (2006). Business Communication: process and product (3rd ed.). Mason: Thomson South-Western.