Buddhism in Morocco

In this article, we will delve into the exciting world of Buddhism in Morocco, exploring its many facets and its impact on different areas of daily life. Buddhism in Morocco is a topic that has sparked the interest of experts and fans alike, due to its relevance in today's society. Along these lines, we will examine its origin, evolution, challenges and opportunities, and how it has shaped the way we live, work and relate. No matter if you are an expert on the subject or if you are just beginning to discover its wonders, this article promises to give you an informative and enriching perspective on Buddhism in Morocco. Get ready to embark on a fascinating journey of discovery!

Buddhism in Morocco is a small religious minority in the kingdom of Morocco. Estimates for the number of Buddhists in Morocco range from a few dozen, to under 0.01% of the population (or about 3000 people). The Pew Forum estimates that about 0.1% of Morocco's population is Buddhist.

The vast majority of the Buddhists in Morocco are foreigners, especially from Vietnam, Indonesia and Cambodia. There are Buddhist holy shrines in Rabat and Casablanca.


  1. ^ "الخارطة الدينية في المغرب: تنوع وتضييق" (in Arabic). September 6, 2014. Retrieved August 21, 2017.
  2. ^ Religions across the World - knoema.com
  3. ^ Morocco: Religions and beliefs
  4. ^ "مغرس: خبراء يهددون من غزو البوذية للمغرب" (in Arabic). 2014-06-07. Retrieved August 21, 2017.
  5. ^ Mohsine El Ahmadi. "Not so bad for non-Muslims in Morocco". Common Ground News Service. Retrieved August 21, 2017.